The members of Swim BC are formally defined within our bylaws as swimmers, coaches, and clubs. Swim BC is recognized by viaSport and the Government of BC as the Provincial Sport Organization (PSO) responsible for the governance of competitive swimming in BC. Swim BC is also a member of Swimming Canada, the National Sport Organization (NSO). This relationship provides our membership access to Swimming Canada-sanctioned events and the Swimming Canada Registration, Registration and Event Management System (REMS). As a PSO, Swim BC is required to report on membership to support accountabilities for government funding. Statistics obtained from the data collected in the “REMS” are fundamental to this process. With our member’s diligence, we can comply with our requirements and continue to benefit from government support, a significant portion of which is directed toward the support of swimmers, coaches, and clubs.
REMS Guides
Swim BC Services
As a Member Club, you have access to the services that Swim BC provides. These services include but are not limited to the following:
- Swim BC and Swimming Canada registration,
- Comprehensive member insurance coverage,
- Fiscal management and development
- Club management resources and communications
- Coaching Development (NCCP certification and professional development)
- Governance and Policy Development resources
- BC Swimming Congress (BC Coaches Conference, Club Development Series, Hall of Fame and Awards Banquet, Swim BC AGM)
- Divisional Competitions & Provincial Championships management,
- Competition standards, sanctioning and oversight,
- Safe Sport initiatives and education
- Officials Development
- Comprehensive swimmer technical and developmental programming
- Performance analytics
All Swim BC Club programs must reapply for membership on an annual basis. To become a member of Swim BC clubs must provide evidence of adherence to basic standards of governance and BC Societies Act compliance, essential club policies and standards required to maintain insurance and adhere to our funding partner accountabilities.
Societies Documents & Maintenance
For general questions please and for templates, please reach out to Louise Reid. For more detailed inquiries, please reach out to Ken Radford.
Volunteer Criminal Record Check Template
Swimming Canada Required Forms
Change in Club Personnel Contact Information Form
Please complete the form below to notify Swim BC of any changes to Club Personnel Contact Information within 14 days, including updates to the following positions:
- Board of Directors including position titles (e.g., President, Vice President, Treasurer, Director at Large)
- Club Registrar
- Individual responsible for payment admin (if different from the Treasurer)
- Head Coach
- Club Officials Administrator
Swimmers must be registered in the REMS System annually. Swimmers must be fully registered with a Swim BC member club to have access to Swim BC or Swimming Canada sanctioned competitions. Registration must be completed within two weeks (14 days) of commencing participation. Swimmers may only register with a club within the provincial boundary of their permanent residence (For exceptions, please contact Swim BC).
Swim School and Swim Fit
Swim School
This sessional registration category recognizes that annual registration for entry level is limiting and does not provide clubs with the flexibility to appropriately introduce the sport to entry level participants. Swim School is based on a “sessional” model and is intended to provide a flexible, cost effective and accessible entry to our sport.
Swim Fit
Like the Swim School, Swim Fit is a sessional registration category clubs can use to promote a non-competitive opportunity to pre-teen and teen swimmers looking to maximize their fitness. Clubs can use off-peak pool time to fill opportunities to grow their club services and membership reach.
There are three sessions in the swimming season and swimmers must be registered for each session they participate in. The registration is $10 per swimmer for each session. If you require any further information please contact admin@swimbc.ca.
To register Swim School or Swim Fit participants please use this form.
Summer League
Summer League is an initiative to help aid in the expansion of the sport of swimming to a wider range of communities in BC. The à la carte components include a simplified registration process, expanded community involvement, and non-traditional competition formats. All these components allow Swim BC Clubs to choose the best options for them. For questions, please contact Admin.
Coaches are registered through the REMS system by the Club Registrar. They must be registered annually and need to be fully registered before they become active in their coaching position. Coaches must be at least 15 years of age. Coach registrations are valid from September 1st, to August 31st.
Swim School & Swim Fit Coach Registration
Coaches of non-competitive swimmers in club-based swim schools, swimming lessons, sessional recreation programs, or club-based fitness, teen fitness, or recreational programs are registered outside of REMS. These coaches must be registered in conjunction with Swim School/Swim Fit participants. The cost of registration is $52 annually. If you require any further information please contact admin@swimbc.ca.
To register Swim School/Swim Fit coaches please use this form.
Locker Log In
Safe Sport Training
Coaches are required to take Safe Sport training to be fully registered. Safe Sport training is to be completed once every five years. Coaches must take one of the following approved programs:
- Respect in Sport for Activity Leader/Coach Training
- Coaching Association of Canada’s Safe Sport Training
The Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders/Coach training costs $30 and coaches will receive 3 NCCP PD points upon completion. Re-certification of this course will be required once every five years. If you have already completed this course in the last five years, then you do not need to redo the course. The CAC Safe Sport training is available through The Locker. It is a free course and coaches will receive 2 NCCP PD points upon completion.
When a coach is registered through the RTR system, two invoices are generated. One is for Swim BC and the other is for the CSCA (Canadian Swimming Coaches Association). Being a member of the CSCA is a requirement to be a registered coach with Swimming Canada and Swim BC. As a requirement for registration, coaches must complete the CSCA screening through their CSCA account.
Officials are registered through the REMS annually by the Club Officials Director. Officials do not pay a fee to register. Registration allows officials to track their officiating certifications and officiate at sanctioned competitions. The club official’s director must fill out an Additional User form and the Registration System Access Compliance Declaration to gain access to the REMS system.
Club Registration
The first step in the Swim BC / MSABC member registration process is to register your club. To be in good standing with Swim BC, clubs are required to register each season. Access to REMS to register swimmers and coaches is not available until a club is successfully registered. All masters coaches are required to be registered in REMS.
Societies Documents & Maintenance
Swimming Canada Required Forms
Swimmers must be registered in the REMS system annually. Swimmers must be fully registered with a Swim BC member club to have access to Swim BC or Swimming Canada sanctioned competitions. Registration must be completed within two weeks (14 days) of commencing participation. Swimmers may only register with a club within the provincial boundary of their permanent residence (For exceptions, please contact Swim BC).
To register as an independent ‘unattached’ Swimmer, please submit the following information through our online registration form:
- Full Name
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Email Address
Please visit the link below to submit your registration.
Coaches are registered through the RE system by the Club Registrar. They must be registered annually and need to be fully registered before they become active in their coaching position. Coaches must be at least 15 years of age. Coach registrations are valid from September 1st, to August 31st.
Locker Log In
Safe Sport Training
Coaches are required to take Safe Sport training to be fully registered. Safe Sport training is to be completed once every five years. Coaches must take one of the following approved programs:
- Respect in Sport for Activity Leader/Coach Training
- Coaching Association of Canada’s Safe Sport Training
The Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders/Coach training costs $30 and coaches will receive 3 NCCP PD points upon completion. Re-certification of this course will be required once every five years. If you have already completed this course in the last five years, then you do not need to redo the course. The CAC Safe Sport training is available through The Locker. It is a free course and coaches will receive 2 NCCP PD points upon completion.
When a coach is registered through the RTR system, two invoices are generated. One is for Swim BC and the other is for the CSCA (Canadian Swimming Coaches Association). Being a member of the CSCA is a requirement to be a registered coach with Swimming Canada and Swim BC. As a requirement for registration, coaches must complete the CSCA screening through their CSCA account.

The Swim BC office is located on the unceded territories of the lək̓ʷəŋən speaking people known today as the Songhees, the SXIMELEL (Esquimalt) and the WSÁNEĆ First Nations.
Swim BC gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.
305-4420 Chatterton Way
Victoria, BC V8X 5J2