Coaching Pathway
NCCP Pathways

Coach Registration Requirements
Upcoming NCCP Courses
Swimming 101 Courses: | |
Feb 28 & Mar 1 & 2 (Virtual) | Registration Link |
April 3 – 6 (Virtual) | Registration Link |
May 8 – 11 (Virtual) | Registration Link |
Community Sport Coach Courses: | |
Feb 14 & 15 (Virtual) | Registration Link |
Mar 29 & 30 (Virtual) | Registration Link |
April 23 – 25 (Virtual) | Registration Link |
May 28 – 30 (Virtual) | Registration Link |
CAC Locker Account (NCCP Number)
The Locker maintains the records of a growing community of over 2 million coaches in Canada of coach training offered through the National Coaches Certification Program(NCCP) and its partners. The Locker is also where your affiliated sport organization will confirm your completed training and coaching certifications, offer sport – specific eLearning, schedule events, and generate reports.
Creating a New CAC Locker Account – click on Don’t have an NCCP #? Create one now!
Coaches Login to CAC Locker Account
How to get started:
- Log in to the Locker
- Update your profile and email preferences.
- View your coaching qualifications transcript under the Certifications tab.
- Find available training events for your sport.
- Take online eLearning modules through the eLearning tab.
Additional coach training information, resources, and tips are available on www.coach.ca.
Clubs can verify their Coaches NCCP qualifications on the Coach Transcript page on the CAC Locker website.
Swimming Teacher Application
Make Ethical Decisions (MED)
Depending on the registration requirements, a coach will either need to have an NCCP Status of “TRAINED” or “CERTIFIED”. For the Make Ethical Decision (MED) section of the Coaching Pathways, there are two steps that are required:
For Coaches who require a “TRAINED” status, they must complete the MED Training course. For more information on how to complete the MED Training, visit the viaSport Website – Making Ethical Decisions.
Sport Alberta is another great resource for MED Training courses.
For Coaches who require a “CERTIFIED” status, once a coach completes the MED Training, they would have access to the MED Online Evaluation (no cost) through their CAC Locker account. It is also possible to challenge the course and go straight to the evaluation, should you only need the evaluation complete for certified status. This will cost $85 and a coach only has two attempts to pass the evaluation with a score of 75% or higher. If the coach does not pass, they will need to take the MED course to re-gain access to the online evaluation.
Safe Sport Training
Coaches are required to take Safe Sport training. This training is to be completed once every five years. There are two options for Safe Sport training are:
Coaching Association of Canada’s Safe Sport Training
Cost – Free
PD Points – 2
This is completed through a coach’s Locker Account (eLearning Tab). This training does not automatically register in the RTR system. To ensure credit for this course is recorded, you will need to log in to the Swimming Canada Learning Management System (LMS) and confirm completion.
Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders/Coach
Cost – $30
PD Points – 3
The Respect in Sport course will automatically be registered in the RTR system upon completion. Please ensure it is associated with your NCCP Number to allow for proper communication between the systems.
Criminal Record Review Program
All registered coaches must submit a Criminal Record Check through the Criminal Records Review Program (CRRP). Criminal Record Checks are valid for five years. You will need a Swim BC access code which will be circulated annually, you can reach out to Swim BC if you haven’t received it. Instructions are included with the Access Code, but please be sure to read each step carefully when going through the system. Returning coaches can check the expiry date for their Criminal Record Check through the RTR system. If your Criminal Record Check is expiring this season, please request a new one.
This process can take two weeks or more depending on the volume of requests. Please ensure that you take processing time into account before you start your coaching position. If you have done a Criminal Record Check through CRRP in the last five years, you can share that Criminal Record Check with Swim BC by clicking “Share Results of a Completed Criminal Record Check.”
Professional Development Points
To maintain training and certification coaches must continue their professional development (PD) and earn a certain number of PD points every 5 years.
The number of points varies depending on the certification level – more information: Maintenance of Training & Certification – Swimming Canada
Non-NCCP PD Points Opportunities
Swimming Canada is allowing clubs and/or coaches to apply for pre-approved workshops or seminars conducted locally by clubs/coaches. Clubs must submit proposed activities to Swim BC 4 weeks in advance of the activity being offered. Swim BC will then seek approval from Swimming Canada for the activity. Swimming Canada pre-approved workshops and/or seminars are eligible for 1-3 PD points.
Clubs and coaches must complete the following form to request pre-approval for Non-NCCP PD point opportunities.
More Information: Submission Procedures

The Swim BC office is located on the unceded territories of the lək̓ʷəŋən speaking people known today as the Songhees, the SXIMELEL (Esquimalt) and the WSÁNEĆ First Nations.
Swim BC gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.
305-4420 Chatterton Way
Victoria, BC V8X 5J2