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December 24, 2021

The information contained in this bulletin is current as of Dec 24, 2021.

The purpose of this update is to assist Swim BC membership in interpreting the December 22nd update to the Gathering and Events Provincial Health Order.  As has been the case over the past few PHO’s, the language pertaining to sport is confusing.  viaSport held a sport sector meeting yesterday (Dec 23) to clarify the key elements of the new order and released written guidance at 6:00 pm on the 23rd.  The following information will be of particular importance to clubs seeking clarification as to whether their January competition hosting plans may proceed or not.

Sport Restrictions:

  • “Sport tournaments” are not permitted at this time – tournaments are defined as a single or multi-day gathering of three or more sport teams, who come together outside regular league play, but does not include:
    • A gathering where team members compete on an individual basis against members of other teams.

At this time, all sanctioned swim meets, swim competitions and regular training activities are permitted to proceed.


  • Interprovincial travel and international travel for sport is not advised.
  • All other activities that would be considered typical to your clubs’ operations and programming (ie/ standard dryland training at your pool) may continue.  If you conduct strength training at a gymnasium, please note that these facilities have been ordered closed by the PHO and such training should not continue.
  • As has been the case in previous Orders, High performance athletes are exempt.  They can train, travel, or compete in accordance with safety protocols. (NB – HP athlete means a person who is identified by CSI-Pacific as a high-performance athlete affiliated with Swim BC)
  • Adult and mixed-age sport and recreation programs (ie/ Masters programs) are to be conducted at 50% of capacity/occupancy of the space (including pool-based).  Please consult with your facility to determine the application of this new language.
  • Group Size: There is no maximum group size for participants, coaches, volunteers, staff, and officials.
  • Physical distance does not need to be maintained in or out of the pool
  • Masks: mandatory when out of the pool.
  • Sport organizations are no longer required  to have a COVID-19 safety plan, although Swim BC clubs hosting competitions should strongly consider developing a communicable disease prevention plan as per WorkSafe BC guidance to reduce the risk of communicable disease.

Proof of Vaccination reminder:

  • NOT REQUIRED for Youth (21 and younger) participating in sport events and programming
  • REQUIRED for supervisors* (12 and older) for youth sport events and programming.
  • REQUIRED for Youth (12 and older) participating in sport programming and events primarily intended for adults
  • REQUIRED for all Adult sport participants (Masters) and all employed and non-employed supervisors* accessing swimming pools
  • REQUIRED for spectators (12 years and older) at all sport events and programs

* – supervisors refers to a person leading, supporting, or assisting a sport activity, but who is not working as an employee. This includes parents required to be present at a child/youth program

If you require further information to assess your competition or training status over the holiday break, please email Executive Director Ken Radford.  Email will be monitored regularly.
Swim BC Return to Swimming Guidance
Swim BC’s role in the Return to Swimming process is to communicate timely updates and information to help th swimming community plan safe conduct of activities.  This information from Swim BC is not intended for legal purposes and all Swim BC members are reminded to follow current health orders and recommendations set out by the Office of the Provincial Health Officer.

Facilities and organizations may implement stricter requirements at their discretion

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