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December 3, 2020

The purpose of this bulletin is to provide the Swim BC membership with timely interpretation of the Public Health Order announced by the PHO December 2nd and followed up by the publication of the Order December 3 at 11:30 am. The content of this bulletin is a result of Swim BC interpretation of the Public Health Order, an emergency interpretation meeting with viaSport and a specific one on one consult by Swim BC Executive Director with viaSport. Please note that viaSport is now part of an interpretation committee that meets directly with the BCCDC. Sport has been instructed to adhere to the intent of the Order.

The following is in effect immediately and until such time as is repealed by the Provincial Heath Officer.

Age group (youth sport) swimming 

Swimming for children and youth (under 19) is permitted if the following conditions are met:
a) Participants maintain a physical distance of three (3) metres
b) There are no spectators unless the presence of a spectator is necessary in order to provide care to a child or youth.
c) The focus is on activities that have a low risk of COVID-19 virus transmission

For clarity, the intent of the order is to move to skills and drills type activities and to suspend activity that draw people together.  To that end, all sanctioned and unsanctioned time trials involving any number of officials, volunteers or additional coaches are suspended.


Master’s (adult sport) swimming 

The PHO order is confusing with regard to individual adult sports.  The intent of the order is to stop all adult sport activity where participants come together to pursue that activity. Adult sport is defined as all activities for 19 years and older and includes individuals under 19 that participate with that cohort.

For clarity, all masters swimming club activity and all varsity swimming activity is suspended.


Clarification regarding the use of masks 

In a previous bulletin we stated “Swimmers are required to wear a mask when entering the facility, in the changing rooms and standing on deck.“

To clarify, a person who is less than 12 years of age is exempt from use of a face covering. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused clubs attempting to enforce this interpretation.


Reminder regarding the requirement to report incidences of COVID-19 contraction in a Swim BC club environment. 

viaSport has formally requested all sports to report incidences of COVID transmission. If a Swim BC club suspects a potential exposure to COVID-19 during their activities; (1) always report this to your local health authority immediately as required as stated in the Swim BC Return to Swimming Guidelines. (2) Please also any incidences to Swim BC as viaSport now requires we report sport exposure.

When reporting an incidence please consider providing the following information:

  • Please describe the situation and communication with your Regional Health Authority
  • Describe who informed you of the exposure including any issues and outcomes;
  • Please include any information you feel will be useful including:
    • Date
    • Time
    • Location
    • Facility

We are looking for general information that will help describe the exposure. We also ask that you respect the privacy of your member and not disclose names or other personal information. Exposure reports can be sent to Sam Thoms, who will report them to viaSport on your behalf.

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