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November 18, 2021
The Public Health Officer has revised the interpretation of the order on Events and Gatherings with updated information around proof of vaccination for sport. viaSport has updated their Return to Sport Restart 2.0 chart to reflect these changes. These are fairly minor changes but may affect certain clubs depending on the programming offered. To summarize, as of November 16th, 2021:
- Any unpaid supervisor/coach/volunteer supervising or assisting with indoor youth sport must show proof of vaccine (two doses).
- This includes those who receive an honorarium and are not an employee
- This includes parents assisting with their child’s participation
- Proof of vaccination is not required for outdoor sport, except where regional restrictions apply.
- Swimming pools are exempt from the proof of vaccination requirement.
- Non-employed supervisors must show proof of vaccination
- Parents assisting their child in the pool do not need to show proof of vaccination. (example: Parent & Tot programs)
You can view the updated Order on Gatherings and Events here. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Swim BC.