News, stories, strategies, resources
and beyond
A Letter from Cory Beatt, Technical Director
I am in my second week as the Swim BC Technical Director and have been working with our dedicated Swim BC Staff in fully understanding the Swim BC Technical program over the past number of years. I will be continuing to dive deeply into all aspects of the program to ensure that we develop the greatest opportunities for our membership.
Welcome Dawson Creek Seals
Swim BC is excited to have the Dawson Creek Seals join as a new club this upcoming season. They are a joint Swim BC and BCSSA club, who are looking to give their swimmers more opportunities throughout the year.
A Parent’s Role in Safe Sport
While the responsibility for providing a safe and nurturing swimming environment falls largely on the shoulders of coaches, there are steps you can take as a parent to ensure your young swimmer is enjoying the most positive sport possible.
Why Volunteer & Officiate?
What is the best way to support your swimmer? Become an official. Swim meets require 40 to 50 volunteers and they are excellent growth opportunities not only for swimmers but also for parent volunteers. Simon Blunden, a Langley Olympians swim parent, gives us an in-depth look at his officiating experience and why you should consider getting involved.
Survey on the Impacts of COVID-19 on Local Sport Organizations
After a far-reaching survey of 1,300 individuals associated with Local Sport Organizations in 56 sports, Sport for Life has published their findings concerning the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Elk Valley Dolphins Use Tech to Overcome Pandemic and Geographic Isolation
Thanks to recently implemented video chat, streaming, and smartphone app technology, the Elk Valley Dolphins Swim Club in Fernie, BC, is staying fit, having fun, and learning how to adapt their training while pools remain closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
SFA Swimmers Still Training Thanks to Resilience and City Help
Though the COVID-19 pandemic derailed much of the scheduled competition for Simon Fraser Aquatics swim club, athletes are staying in shape thanks to adaptable coaching staff, positive attitudes, and help from the City of Burnaby.
COVID-19 Resources
Resources for clubs and coaches during COVID-19. Swim BC is not an official authority on COVID-19 but you can find valuable information from these credible sources.
Important Open Water Guidelines Update
With the removal of Swimming Canada’s “OPEN WATER SAFETY GUIDELINES – Coaching a training group” from their website, Swim BC has developed a replacement document to serve as a resource for your Club’s open water training activity.
2020-2021 Registration Manual
The Swim BC Registration Manual for the 2020-2021 season is now available. It includes updates to the registration process for both swimmers and coaches, details on payments, registration forms, and helpful Return to Swimming information related to COVID-19.
Return To Swimming Information For Swim BC Members
The four major governing bodies (Swim BC, Swimming Canada, viaSport, and BCRPA) involved with determining how to return to swimming have released guidelines to help your club build a plan and get swimmers back in the pool.
How has COVID-19 affected the mental health of athletes?
With the cancellation of athletic events around the world, competitors who were just reaching the peak of physical and mental preparation have suddenly been left without a lane to swim in. Take a look at how COVID-19 is affecting athletes from a variety of sports, including swimming.
Swim BC invites you to be part of the conversation.

The Swim BC office is located on the unceded territories of the lək̓ʷəŋən speaking people known today as the Songhees, the SXIMELEL (Esquimalt) and the WSÁNEĆ First Nations.
Swim BC gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.
305-4420 Chatterton Way
Victoria, BC V8X 5J2