News, stories, strategies, resources
and beyond
Swimmingly Pilot Project
Swim BC has reviewing and working with a web-based platform that enables clubs to run competitions designed to permit an easy / fast set-up, provide minimal touch points, and can run virtual competitions (limiting numbers of individuals on the pool deck and reducing travel requirements).
What Did it Take? How Hyack Swim Club Grew Two National Record Holders
The 2019-2020 competitive season was anything but ordinary. For many, the season was cut short and leaving many swimmers unable to achieve the goals they had dreamed of achieving that season. However Hyack swimmers, Peter Huang and Paul Orogo still managed to achieve their goals and break National Swimming Records. We asked them, What did it take?
Return to Competition Guidelines
Since the beginning of the season we’ve been anticipating what a return to competition might look like, and what would be required to keep our swimmers, coaches and officials safe. To address this, Swim BC has determined that step one is introducing “in-club” Time Trials with significant amendments to required officiating complements, working to maintain total participants under 50 individuals.

Swimmingly Pilot Project
Swim BC has reviewing and working with a web-based platform that enables clubs to run competitions designed to permit an easy / fast set-up, provide minimal touch points, and can run virtual competitions (limiting numbers of individuals on the pool deck and reducing travel requirements).

Swim BC Awards
Swim BC would typically have announced the awards for the 2019/20 season at the 2020 BC Swimming Congress Awards Banquet. As we know, the Congress was cancelled this year due to COVID. When the decision to cancel was made, Swim BC took the opportunity to make much needed revisions to the organizations awards system, realigning to add more swimmer categories and generate quantifiable criteria.
Swim BC Office Update
The Swim BC office is moving at the end of October. If you are mailing anything to the office, please use our new address moving forward.
Sport: More Important Than Ever
Sport BC has developed initiative to help advocate for sport during the provincial election. They have created a tool that will send a letter on your behalf to the election candidates in your community.
Six Keys to Gold Medal Governance
Unlike the young athlete who dreams of becoming a champion, few of us grow up dreaming about joining a board of directors. Many people join a board out of a sense of duty to an organization with which they have been involved, or because they thought it time for new leadership, or were recruited for a specific professional skillset
Return to Swimming Competition Plan – Update
Last week Swim BC announced that no sanctions would be available for clubs prior to October 31st. Updating this message, we will permit Class I –Time Trials (record attempts only) prior to October 31st.
Return to Swimming: Competition Plan
Swim BC is currently working on the Return to Swimming: Competition Plan for our clubs. This is a lengthy process that requires a great amount of thought and collaboration to deliver a plan that is safe and meaningful for our membership.
Return to Swimming Survey
Swim BC has developed a survey to determine the ‘state’ of our sport as we begin to move back into club activities. The intent is to give Swim BC accurate information to assist in our dialogue with institutions that impact our facility access such as the BCRPA and viaSport.
Annamay Pierse Oldershaw inducted into the UBC Sports Hall of Fame
Congrats to BC Swimming Hall of Fame member Annamay Pierse Oldershaw for being inducted into the UBC Sports Hall of Fame this year. You can check out her UBC Sport Hall of Fame profile here.
BC Para Swimmer & Coach Win FACE Grant
Congratulations Jacob Brayshaw and Renate Terpstra, from KISU, on being selected to Petro-Canada's Fuelling Athlete and Coaching Excellence (FACE™) Program! The FACE Program supports up-and-coming athletes when they need it most: when they are striving to represent Canada at the Olympic or Paralympic Games, but don’t yet qualify for government funding.
Celebrate National Coaches Week with free coach education: September 19-27
For National Coaches Week, the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) is saying #ThanksCoach by providing several NCCP eLearning courses for FREE throughout the week.
Halifax 2020 North American Indigenous Games Postponement Plan Extended
The North American Indigenous Games (NAIG) Council announced that the Halifax 2020 North American Indigenous Games (NAIG) will be further postponed due to the ongoing situation with the global COVID-19 pandemic
Local Sport Relief Fund
viaSport and the Province of BC has announced the Local Sport Relief Fund. It is a program that was developed to provide one-time financial relief for non-profit clubs and associations who have lost revenue putting their ability to offer programming at risk. Eligible organizations are invited to apply for up to $7,500 to help offset fixed and operating costs. Funding must support administration and operational needs for an eventual return to sport.
Say #ThanksCoach September 19-27!
The 6th annual National Coaches Week runs from September 19th - 27th. National Coaches Week is a time to celebrate the positive impact coaches have on athletes and their communities across Canada. Coaches are an integral part of the swimming community and we want to take the time to celebrate them this week.
Canada Games Postponement Announcement
Today Swim BC was notified that the Canada Games Council and the 2021 Canada Games Host Society has made the difficult decision to postpone the Niagara 2021 Canada Summer Games. They have been postponed until Summer 2022 to better protect the health and safety of Games participants, the Niagara community and visitors across the country.
Canada Games Postponement Announcement
Today Swim BC was notified that the Canada Games Council and the 2021 Canada Games Host Society has made the difficult decision to postpone the Niagara 2021 Canada Summer Games. They have been postponed until Summer 2022 to better protect the health and safety of Games participants, the Niagara community and visitors across the country.

Sport-Informed Mental Health Care Town Hall
The Canadian Centre for Mental Health and Sport (CCMHS) is hosting 60-minute virtual information sessions for parents, coaches, health practitioners, sport leaders, administrators and volunteers affiliated with local and provincial / territorial competitive sport clubs / organizations. The CCMHS is a registered charity that offers sport-informed mental health care in-person and virtually from coast to coast to coast. We invite you to come learn more about how we can support your athletes, coaches, and support staff to reach optimal levels of well-being and performance!
New Study Shows What Motivates Kids to be Active
Active for Life has published an article outlining a recent study about what motivates kids to be active. From Active for Life "This Canadian study offers some illuminating findings for both parents and coaches. It discusses what barriers stand in our kids’ way when it comes to participating in physical activity—and it shows just how important enjoyment and confidence are for them."
Chena Swim Club Appoints New Head Coach
CHENA Swim Club is pleased to announce that it has hired a new head coach for its competitive swim program for the 2020-2021 season. Effective immediately, Vincent Chung will assume the role of Head Coach of the club. Vincent previously served as the Senior Assistant Coach.
Winskill Dolphins take on 12.2km Open Water Challenge
There were 2 excellent articles published about our very own Winskill Dolphins this week. The Winskill Dolphins have been training in the ocean at Boundary Bay since the pandemic began in March.
Swim BC invites you to be part of the conversation.

The Swim BC office is located on the unceded territories of the lək̓ʷəŋən speaking people known today as the Songhees, the SXIMELEL (Esquimalt) and the WSÁNEĆ First Nations.
Swim BC gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.
305-4420 Chatterton Way
Victoria, BC V8X 5J2